- Henry
- James Chadwick
- Rutherford
- Charles Babbage
- d
Charles Babbage invented the computer in the middle of 1830.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
Select the odd one out:
- Yahoo
- Windows
- Firefox
- c
Google , Yahoo and Firefox are Search Engines but Windows is an Operating System.
What is antonym of “Delete”?
- Insert
- Impound
- Inspire
- Injure
- a
Delete حذف کریں
Insert داخل کریں
What is synonym of “Identify”?
- Recognize
- Envision
- Notice
- None of these
- a
Identify پہچاننا
Recognize پہچاننا
What is synonym of “Infinite”?
- Vague
- Indefine
- Strange
- Endless
- d
Infinite لامحدود
Endless لامتناہی
What is synonym of “Dear”?
- Close
- Due
- Costly
- Young
- C
Dear پیارے
Costly مہنگا
He was ashamed ….himself.
- of
- at
- from
- with
- a
اسے خود سے شرم آتی تھی۔
What is antonym of “Virtue”?
- Fraud
- Sin
- Wickedness
- Crime
- b
Virtue فضیلت/ نیکی
Sin گناہ
How many Continents in the World?
- 5
- 7
- 9
- 11
- b
South America
North America
What is antonym of “Urban”?
- Country Made
- Pastoral
- Provincial
- Rural
- d
Urban شہر
Rural دیہات