- Buzz Aldrin
- Neil Armstrong
- Yuri Gagarin
- None of these
- b
Neil Armstrong became first human to step on moon on 20th July, 1969.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
Who introduced Law of Motion?
- Einstein
- Faraday
- Newton
- Fleming
- c
Isaac Newton introduced three Laws of Motion in 1687.
When First Constitution was enacted?
- 1956
- 1962
- 1973
- 1975
- a
First Constitution 1956
Second Constitution 1962
Third Constitution 1973
UNO Headquarter in located in:
- London
- Paris
- New York
- Washington DC
- C
United Nations was founded on 24th October 1945.
Pakistan became member of United Nations on 30 September 1947.
Yom E Takbeer is celebrated on which date of every year in Pakistan?
- 17th July
- 28th May
- 1st May
- 15th December
- b
Pakistan became atomic Power on 28th May 1998.
In Roman counting, “XV” represents:
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
- b
X represent 10
V represent 05
Durand Line is between Paksitan and……
- China
- Iran
- India
- Afghanistan
- d
Durand Line is the longest boundary line of Paksitan with Afghanistan.
The length of Durand line is 2670 Km.
Yen is currency of:
- China
- Japan
- Indonesia
- Turkey
- b
Currency of Turkey is Turkish Lira.
Currency of Indonesia is Indonesian Rupiah.
Currency of China is Yaun / Renminbi.
Who is the current Chief Minister of KPK?
- Murad Shah
- Muhammad Azam Khan
- Ali Amin Gandapur
- Jam Kamal
- c
Ali Amin Gandapur is serving as Chief Minister of KPK since 2nd March 2024. He is 18th Chief Minister of KPK. He belongs to Pakistan Tehreek E Insaaf (PTI).
Torah is associated with ……
- Musa (A.S)
- Dawood (A.S)
- Esa (A.S)
- Muhammad (PBUH)
- a
Toraat Musa (A.S)
Zaboor Dawood (A.S)
Injeel Esa (A.S)
Quran Majeed Muhammad (PBUH)