- Iran
- North Africa
- Central Asia
- Malaysia
- c
The maximum part of this river flows in Afghanistan.
The length of Amu Darya River is 2540 Km.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
UNESCO is a:
- Baby Milk Powder
- Chocolate Brand
- TV Channel
- UN Body
- d
UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
UNESCO was founded on 16th November 1945.
The Headquarter of UNESCO is in Paris, France.
……is the highest mountain of Pakistan.
- Rakaposhi
- Nanga Parbat
- Mount Everest
- K2
- d
The height of K2 is 8611 Meters.
K-2 is also called the Godwin Austen.
K2 is the second highest mountain of the world.
…..is the national flower of Pakistan.
- Sunflower
- Pansy
- Jasmine
- Gulab
- c
National Animal of Paksitan is Markhor.
National Bird of Pakistan is Chakor.
National Masjid of Pakistan is Faisal Masjid.
National Poet of Pakistan is Allama Iqbal.
…..is the largest Province of Pakistan by area.
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Baluchistan
- d
The area of Balochistan is 3,47,190 KM2.
The Year 2022 corresponds to which Hijri Year?
- 1443
- 1445
- 1447
- 1449
- a
Mahathir Muhammad was the Prime Minister of:
- Brunei
- Philippine
- Thailand
- Malaysia
- d
Mahathir Muhammad is a Doctor by profession.
Mahathir Muhammad became PM of Malaysia for two times.
Mahathir Muhammad belong to Malaysian United Indigenous Party.
Malika E Taranum was the title given to:
- Musarrat Nazeer
- Kausar Parveen
- Noor Jahan
- Nasim Begum
- c
Noor Jahan sang 12 War Songs during 1965 war.
Noor Jahan was given title of “Malika E Taranum” for her services during the war.
Khyber Pass lies in:
- Baluchistan
- Azad Kashmir
- Sindh
- a
Khyber Pass lied on border of Afghanistan.
The length of Khyber Pass is 53 Km.
Vladimir Putin is the president of:
- Ukraine
- Russia
- Poland
- Belarus
- b
Vladimir Putin is serving as President of Russia since 7th May 2012. He belongs to Independent Political Party.