- University
- Football Club
- A Welfare Club
- High School
- a
NUST stands for National University of Science and Technology.
NUST is a public research university under administration of Pakistan Armed Forces.
NUST was founded in 1991.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
Thar desert is most famous for its:
- Sand
- Oil Wells
- Gas Fields
- Coal Deposits
- d
Thar Desert is most famous for its Coal Deposits.
Thar Desert of Paksitan is 16th greatest Coal Reserves in the World.
Jan Sher is associated with which sport:
- Snooker
- Squash
- Kabaddi
- Boxing
- b
Jan Sher Khan is famous player of Squash.
He belonged to Peshawar, Pakistan.
Pakistan’s most famous painter is:
- Ghulam Rasool
- Fazal Mehmood
- Saleem Raza
- Sadeqain
- d
Syed Sadeqain Naqvi was most famous painter of Pakistan.
He was awarded with Tamgha E Imtiaz and Sitara E Imtiaz by Government of Pakistan.
KANUPP is a :
- University
- Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Independent Power Plant
- Nuclear Power Plant
- d
KANUPP stands for Karachi Nuclear Power Plant.
The construction of KANUPP was started in 1966 and became operational in 1972.
Lakhra Town is famous for its:
- Blind Dolphins
- Coal
- Crocodiles
- Copper Mines
- b
Lakhra Town is a small town of Uthal Tehsil, Labella District of Balochistan.
Onyx is a kind of:
- Marble
- Apple
- Drink
- Bird
- a
Onyx was formed with different colours or combination of different colours.
Which of the following five rivers of Punjab is associated with Sohni Mahiwal legend?
- Ravi
- Chenab
- Jhelum
- Indus
- b
Chenab is associated with Sohni Mahiwal, Heer Ranjha and Sahiba Mirza.
Manghopir is a famous for its:
- Sulpher Spring
- Drink
- Blind Dolphins
- Rice
- a
Manghopir is near Malir District of Karachi
اردو کے پہلے مضمون نگار کون تھے؟
- سر سید احمد خان
- سعادت حسن منٹو
- مولوی نذیر احمد
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- a
سر سید احمد خان کو ہی انشائیہ نگاری کا بانی بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔