- فکر کرنا
- الزام لگانا
- سیکھنا
- پڑھنا شروع کرنا
- b
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
What is the unit of work and energy?
- Ampere
- Kilowatt
- Kilogram
- Joule
- d
Unit of Current is Ampere.
Unit of Power is Watt.
Who was the first amongst children to accept Islam?
- Usman (R.A)
- Umar (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- All of the above
- c
First Women who accepted Islam was Khadija (R.A).
The headquarter of the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is located in:
- Netherlands
- Geneva
- New York
- None of these
- a
OPCW stands for Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
The Headquarter of OPCW is located in Hague, Netherlands.
OPCW was founded on 29th April 1997.
Complete the number series : 4,6,9,13,……..
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
- b
A library received an average of 510 visitors every Sunday and on other day 240. What is the average number of visitors in a month of 30 days beginning with Sunday?
- 285
- 290
- 300
- 320
- a
Explanation: Since the month begins with a Sunday, so there will be five Sundays in the month, Required average = (510 * 5 + 240 * 25) / 30 = 8550/30 = 285.
In a computer what does DPI means?
- Dots Processing inch
- Diagram per foot
- Dots per inch
- Diagram Processing Inch
- c
DPI is a measuring unit of printing.
Complete the idiom: “Too many cooks spoil the ……”
- Broth
- Food
- Meat
- None of these
- b
Shaikh Abdul Qaddir Jilani is buried at:
- Baghdad
- Bait Ul Muqaddas
- Tehran
- Qon
- a
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani born on 17th March 1078 in Iran and died in Feb, 1166 Iraq.
Which archipelago in the Indian Ocean is also a member of SAARC?
- Seychelles
- Maldives
- Sri Lanka
- Guam
- b
SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.