- China
- France
- Italy
- All of the above
- d
China 2022
France 2024
Italy 2026
USA 2028
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
The capital city of Russia is:
- Kazan
- St. Peterburg
- Moscow
- Viadivostok
- c
On 12th March 1918, Moscow became the capital of Russia.
Moscow has played an important role in Russian History.
The country Burma is now called:
- Uganda
- Myanmar
- Kenya
- Pracheen
- b
In 1989, The name of Burma changed into Myanmar by Military Government.
Nelson Mandela was the President of …..
- Nigeria
- Zaire
- Zimbabwe
- South Africa
- d
Nelson Mandela is Political Leader of South Africa.
He remained in Jail for 27 Years.
UN passed the bill to celebrate Mandela Day on 18th July every year.
Sarajevo is a …….
- Mountain
- City
- River
- None of these
- b
Sarajevo is capital and largest city of Bosnia.
“Khuda k liye” is a …….
- Mountain
- City
- Stage Play
- Pakistani Film
- d
“Khuda k Liye” movie was released on 20th July 2007.
Shoaib Mansoor is the director & producer of this movie.
SAARC secretariat is located in…..
- Dhaka
- Kathmandu
- Colombo
- Islamabad
- b
SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
SAARC was founded on 8th December 1985.
………is the best policy.
- Honesty
- Telling
- Silence
- Integrity
- a
ایمانداری بہترین حکمت عملی ہے۔
Which is the odd word among these?
- Big
- Small
- Large
- Ball
- d
Big, Small and Large are different sized and Ball different item from them.
Which is the odd word among these?
- Bed
- Chair
- Sofa
- Cushion
- d