- Carbon Monoxide
- Nitrogen
- Hydrogen
- Ammonia
- a
The chemical formula of Carbon Monoxide is CO.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
Ozone layer protects life on earth from:
- Greenhouse Gases
- Ultraviolet Rays
- CFCs
- Carbon Dioxide
- b
The Chemical Formula of Ozone is O3.
It is difficult to cook on mountains because of:
- Lack of Oxygen
- Low temperature
- Low atmospheric pressure
- High atmospheric pressure
- c
Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of:
- Calcium
- Iron
- Insulin
- Vitamin B
- c
Diabetes is also called in common words “Sugar”.
Insulin is a hormone that provides energy to your cells.
In case of High Blood Sugar, Insulin supplied to blood not cells.
Optical Fiber System is a:
- Defense Mechanism
- Telecommunication System
- Air Raid System
- None of these
- b
Optical Fiber System a communication method of transmission information from one place to another through pulses.
First Fiber Line was drawn in Paksitan in 2009.
In Pakistan the sale of cigarettes is prohibited under the age of:
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- d
Article 16 of WHO, prohibited to sale cigarettes under the age of 18.
Minimum age limit for the Members of National Assembly is:
- 16 Years
- 21 Years
- 22 Years
- 25 years
- d
According to Article 62 of Constitution of Paksitan, Member of National Assembly should have Pakistan’s Nationality and min 25 Years of age.
Which of the following is not among the fundamental rights of citizens?
- Freedom of Speech
- No discrimination on the basis of sex
- Freedom to movement
- All of the above
- d
According to Constitution of Pakistan the education shall be free and compulsory to all citizens of age:
- 4 to 14 Years
- 4 to 16 Years
- 5 to 10 Years
- 5 to 16 Years
- d
Article 25 Section A explained that education from the age of 5 to 16 is a fundamental right of citizens.
No person shall be punished for the same offense more than:
- Once
- Twice
- Thrice
- Again and again
- a
Its called Double Jeopardy.
Article 13 of Constitution provides this rule and detail about Double Jeopardy.