- Tirane
- Ottawa
- Athens
- Luxembourg
- b
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
3 May is observed internationally as _______
- Labour Day
- Environment Day
- Earth Day
- Press Freedom Day
- d
The headquarter of Green Peace International is located in _______
- Amsterdam
- Geneva
- Lisbon
- Austria
- a
The most powerful organ of United Nations is ______
- General Assembly
- Security Council
- Secretariat
- International Court of Justice
- b
OIC changed its name from Organization of the Islamic Conference to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in ______
- 1999
- 2001
- 2005
- 2011
- d
Which country, on the map of world, appears as “Long Shoe”?
- Portugal
- Italy
- Greece
- Hungary
- b
The North Atlantic treaty (NATO) was signed in ______
- 1945
- 1947
- 1949
- 1951
- c
World Trade Organization was established in ______
- 1980
- 1985
- 1990
- 1995
- d
The headquarter of Red Cross is in _____
- New York
- Washington
- Geneva
- The Hague
- c
The world’s highest mountain is in ______
- China
- Pakistan
- Nepal
- India
- c