- Yellow
- Gold
- Red
- Green
- b
Yellow, Red and Green are colours.
Gold is not colour.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
In a certain code language, “po ki top me” means Uzma is playing cards: “kop ja ki ma” means Ayesha is playing tennis: “Ke Top so ho” means they are playing football: “Po sur kop” means cards and tennis: Which word of this language represents “Ayesha” ?
- kop
- sur
- ja
- top
- c
DOG is to Puppy and CAT is to …..
- Baby
- Fish
- Mouse
- Kitten
- d
The baby of Dog is called Puppy.
The baby of Cat is called Kitten.
Find out the right letter in the series: A M B N E I F J C O D P G K?
- H L
- L M
- L E
- N M
- a
A M B N (AB, MN)
E I F J (EF, IJ)
C O D P (CD, OP)
G ? K ? (GH, KL)
Find the Odd one Out:
- 25631
- 52163
- 34424
- 33442
- d
25631 = 17
52163 = 17
34424 = 17
33442 = 16
If A & B are brothers, C is the sister of “A”, D is the brother of E, E is the daughter of B, Who is the uncle of D?
- A
- B
- C
- E
- a
A, B (Brothers) C (Sister)
D and E are children of B.
A is the Uncle of D.
Look at the following series: m n m n n m m n m n m m m u u m n m n n m m m n How many m before n and followed by m:
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- c
Arrange the following in the appropriate sequence : 1. Gold 2. Iron 3. Sand 4. Platinum 5. Diamond
- 2,5,1,3,2
- 3,1,5,4,2
- 4,5,2,1,3
- 3,2,1,5,4
- d
Sand iron Gold Diamond Platinum
If “FRAGRANCE” is written as “SBHSBODFG”. How will be “IMPOSING” written ?
- d
Find out the wrong term in the following series : 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,96
- 35
- 65
- 96
- 100
- c