- Transpiration: Mirror
- Reflection: Refraction
- Mirage: Illusion
- None of these
- c
Genuine حقیقی Authentic مستند
Mirage سراب Illusion برم
This is Synonym.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
Choose the Correct Option from the following: Open: Close
- Big: Cute
- Near: Far
- Walk : Feet
- Ice : Cold
- b
Open کھلا Close بند
Near نزدیک Far دور
Choose the Synonyms from the following: Vacant :
- Grow
- Large
- Clean
- Empty
- d
Vacant خالی
Empty خالی
Choose the Synonyms from the following: Vitiate:
- Amuse
- Spoil
- Rectify
- Trust
- b
Vitiate مٹا دینا
Spoil بگاڑ
Choose the Synonyms from the following: Popular :
- Hated
- Hidden
- Previous
- Famous
- d
Popular مشہور
Famous مشہور
Choose the Synonyms from the following: Extreme
- Verify
- Severe
- Desire
- Cancel
- b
Extreme انتہائی
Severe شدید
NSG stands for:
- Non Supplier Group
- Nuclear Supplier Group
- New Supplier Group
- Nuclear Super Group
- b
NSG was founded in 1974.
There are 48 member states of NSG.
Paksitan and India are not members of NSG.
What is Pass between Chitral and Afghanistan?
- Khunjrab Pass
- Dorah Pass
- Khojak Pass
- Bolan Pass
- b
Dorah Pass connects Badakshan Province of Afghanistan to Chitral.
Dorah Pass is located along the Durand Line.
How many daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- b
Muhammad (PBUH) had four daughters and three sons.
Daughters names are Zainab (R.A), Ruqayya (R.A), Umm E Kalsoom (R.A) and Fatima (R.A).
Sons names are Qasim (R.A), Abdullah (R.A) and Ibrahim (R.A).
Who was first Muezzin of Islam?
- Umar (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- Hassan Bin Sabit (R.A)
- Bilal (R.A)
- d
Umar (R.A) suggested for freely Azan first.