- At the front of Incident
- At a safe distance
- At the main Point of Incident
- None of these
- b
Rescue 1122
All Rescue 1122 Current & Past Papers are available in this portion of ETEST Website. This portion will provide you all solved papers of EMT, FR, DR, FDR, LFR, LTV, Naib Qasid, Seniority Worker,Accountatn, Assistant Accountatn, TMI, MT, SC, RSO, EO, DEO and etc.
The transfer of heat when waves or rays are dispersed from an abject is called:
- Convection
- Radiation
- Conduction
- None of these
- b
The normal ranges of respirations on an adult is:
- 12-30 Breaths Per Minute
- 20-35 Breaths Per Minute
- 12-20 Breaths Per Minute
- None of these
- c
Pakistan shares border with China. What is length this border?
- 595 Km
- 511 Km
- 620 Km
- 700 Km
- a
Pak China border was established in 1963.
Bradycardia is any pulse under:
- 90bpm
- 80bpm
- 60bpm
- None of these
- c
This is very serious problem.
In this situation, heart cant pump blood properly.
The normal body temperature is:
- 36C
- 37C
- 38C
- 39C
- b
The normal body temperature is 98.6 F.
The maxilla located in:
- Face
- Leg
- Arm
- Neck
- a
Maxilla is a type of bone which is main part of upper Jaw (Skull).
How many bones in human body?
- 206
- 212
- 220
- 250
- a
There are 300 bones in a new born baby.
Tachycardia is:
- >100bpm
- <100bpm
- <60bpm
- None of these
- a
Tachycardia is a medical term that is used for heart beat rate over 100 beats per minute.
As an EMT you are treating a patient eye injury you should do?
- Secure the Luggage of Patient
- Securing the Penetrating Object
- Secure the Surrounding People
- None of these
- b