- 28254
- 28251
- 28651
- 28851
- b
The height of K2 in meters is 8611.
K2 is also known as Godwi Austin.
K2 is second highest mountain in the world.
Sindh Police Department
Pakistan’s first LNG terminal is located at:
- Port Qasim
- Port Qasim
- Port Qasim
- Port Qasim
- b
Engro Elengy Terminal Pakistan is the first LNG terminal in Pakistan.
This terminal was operated in 2015.
The total length of “Makran Coastal Highway” that connects Karachi and Gawadar is:
- 653 Km
- 653 Km
- 753 Km
- 853 Km
- b
Makran Coastal Highway is also known as N-10.
Makran Coastal Highway was constructed in 2002-2004.
Television centers of PTV were established in Karachi and Rawalpindi/Islamabad in:
- 1947
- 1955
- 1960
- 1967
- d
Pakistan Television was established in Peshawar and Quetta in 1974.
Pakistan Television started coloured transmission in 1976.
The Cholistan Desert is located in Bahawalpur. Locally , the Cholistan Desert is known as:
- Mitthi
- Nagar
- Rohi
- Golden Dunes
- c
Cholistan Desert covers area of 26300 Km2.
“The Trans Karakorum Tract” is under the administration of:
- China
- India
- China and India
- China and Pakistan
- a
Trans Karakoram Tract is also known as “Shaksgam Valley” or “Shaksgam Tract”.
This tract was claimed by Pakistan as part of Kashmir and also claimed by India as part of Ladakh.
امریکہ نے اپنا پہلا سفارتخانہ کراچی میں کب قائم کیا؟
- 1947، مئی 15
- 1947،اگست 15
- 1948، مارچ23
- 1950، ستمبر6
- b
The Indus River falls into the:
- Cape Monze
- Arabian Sea
- Makran Coast
- None of these
- b
The length of Indus River is 3180 Km.
Indus River is National River of Pakistan.
The area of Sindh is:
- 1,40,914,Sq.Km
- 1,30,914 Sq.Km
- 1,40,814 Sq.Km
- 120,914 Sq.Km
- a
The area of Punjab is 205,344 Sq.Km.
The area of KPK is 101,741 Sq.Km.
The area of Balochistan is 3,47,190 Sq.Km.
In which city of Pakistan 2nd Islamic Summit Conference was held?
- Karachi
- Lahore
- Islamabad
- Peshawar
- b
The second Summit Conference was held 22nd February 1974 in Lahore.