- ڈپٹی نذیر احمد
- سر سید احمد خان
- الطاف حسین حالی
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- a
ڈپٹی نذیر احمد کو ہی مولوی نذیر احمد کہا جاتا ہے۔
آپ ایک بہترین افسانہ نگار تھے۔
آپ 1930 میں اتر پردیش انڈیا میں پیدا ہوئے اور 1912 میں دہلی انڈیا میں وفات پائی۔
Sindh Police Department
خواجہ الطاف حسین حالی کو خطاب ملا۔
- شمس العلماء
- بابائے قوم
- عوامی شاعر
- سر تاج شعرائے اردو
- c
خواجہ الطاف حسین حالی مولانا خواجہ حالی کے نام سے بھی جانے جاتے ہیں۔
آپ 1837 میں پانی پت میں پیدا ہوئے اور 1914 میں پانی پت میں ہی وفات پائی۔
Which is the largest fresh water lake in Pakistan?
- Saif Ul Muluk Lake
- Rawal Lake
- Keenjharo Lake
- Manchar Lake
- d
Area of Manchar Lake is 350 Km2.
This lake is located in District Jamshoro and District Dadu.
Rann of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the ……..District.
- Naran
- Skardu
- Badin
- Tharparker
- C
Rann of Kutch is an area in Pakistan and India.
The area of Rann of Kutch is 27,454 Km2.
The only fertile desert in the world is:
- Gobi Desert
- Thar Desert
- Sahara Desert
- Cholistan Desert
- b
Thar Desert covers area of 2,38,254 Km2.
Around 85% part of Thar Desert is located in India and 15% located in Pakistan (Sindh).
About how much land of Pakistan is covered with forests?
- 5%
- 4%
- 3%
- 2%
- d
According to forest policy, every country should cover 33% area with forest.
The border line between Pakistani Punjab and Indian controlled Kashmir is known as:
- International Border
- Working Boundary
- Line of Control
- Line of Actual Control
- b
This border line is between Sialkot (Pakistan) and Indian held Kashmir.
The length of this boundary line is 202 Km.
The constitution of Pakistan 1973 came into effect on:
- 23rd March 1973
- 14th August 1973
- 6th September 1973
- 8th June 1973
- b
Constitution of Pakistan 1973 was presented in Assembly on 20th October 1972.
This Constitution was passed on 19th April 1973.
This Constitution came into effect on 14th August 1973.
Which constitutional amendment removed the power of the president to dissolve the Parliament?
- 13th
- 18th
- 19th
- 21st
- b
This amendment was passed in assembly on 8th April 2010.
The Changa Manga forest curves an area of:
- 12000 Acres
- 10000 Acres
- 14000 Acres
- 16000 Acres
- a
The area of Changa Manga forest is 12000 acres or 48.6 sq km.
Changa Manga is national forest of Pakistan.