- Indus, Kabul and Neelum
- Indus, Ganga and Neelum
- Indus, Ganga and Kabul
- Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra
- d
Length of Indus River is 3180 Km.
Length of Ganga River is 2510 Km.
Length of Brahmaputra River is 3848 Km.
Sindh Police Department
The Himalaya range span over the countries: China, India, Pakistan, Nepal and…….
- Sri Lanka
- Maldives
- Bhutan
- Bangladesh
- c
Himalya Range covers about 2400 Km area.
Himalya Range is divided into three parts which are Wetern, Central and Eastern.
The National Library of Pakistan was established in:
- 1951
- 1965
- 1977
- 1988
- a
National Library of Pakistan is located in Islamabad.
Pakistan’s major export partner is:
- China
- Saudi Arabia
- United States
- United Kingdom
- a
China 1st
UAE 2nd
USA 3rd
KSA 4th
Kabul Rivers enters Pakistan near border crossing at:
- Khyber Pass
- Khunjrab Pass
- Torkham
- Khandahr Chaman
- c
“Mohanjo Daro” is a Sindhi language word which means:
- Indus Valley
- Sign of Indus Valley
- Mound of the Dead Man
- Valley of the Dead Men
- c
مردہ آدمی کا ٹیلا
The source of the Kabul River is……Mountains.
- Himalya
- Nanga Parbat
- Karakoram
- Hindu Kush
- d
River Kabul flows in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
It starts from Sanglakh Range of Hindu Kush Mountain (Afghanistan) and ends in Indus River near Attock, Pakistan.
The only Field Marshal of Pakistan Army was:
- Ayub Khan
- Yahya Khan
- Zia Ul Haq
- None of these
- a
Field Marshal of Pakistan Army has five stars.
In 1965, Ayub Khan appointed himself as Field Marshal of Pakistan.
He was also serving as President of Pakistan at that time.
Ayub Khan forced Iskandar Mirza to resign and assumed power of president on 27th October:
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- d
Iskandar Mirza was 4th Governor General of Pakistan.
Iskandar Mirza was also 1st President of Pakistan.
There were an……response for the marathon.
- excessive
- extreme
- overwhelming
- overriding
- c
میراتھن کے لیے زبردست ردعمل سامنے آیا۔