- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- d
Other best source of Vitamin D is Fish.
Sindh Police Department
Nanga Parbat is located in which mountain range?
- Koh E Sulaiman
- Himalayes
- Koh Hindu Kush
- None of these
- b
Nanga Parbat is also called Killer Mountain.
Nanga Parbat height is 8126 meters.
Nanga Parbat is 9th highest mountain in the world.
Largest Desert in the world is:
- Sahara
- Antarctic
- Thal
- Gobi
- a
The area of Sahara Desert is 9.2m/km2.
Tirch Mir is located in:
- Chitral, KPK
- Peshawar, KPK
- Quetta, Balochistan
- Jhelum, Punjab
- a
The height of Tirch Mir is 7708 meters.
Tirch Mir is located in Koh Hindu Kush and highest mountain of this range.
Imran Khan was removed in “No Confidence” motion. How many votes were casted against him?
- 171
- 172
- 173
- 174
- d
No confidence movement against Imran Khan filed in National Assembly on 8th March 2022.
On 10th April 2022 No Confidence motion passed in Assembly with 174 votes out of 342.
No Confidence motion may be files by opposition according to Article 91 (2A)Constitution of Pakistan 1973.
Karachi is called:
- City of Colleges
- City of Lights
- City of Gardens
- City of Eagles
- b
Karachi is biggest city of Pakistan as population and area.
Karachi is 12th biggest city of the world.
What is height of Minaret of Faisal Mosque?
- 315 feet
- 250 feet
- 300 feet
- 350 feet
- c
Height of Minaret of Faisal Mosque is 300 feet / 90 meters.
Faisal Mosque is National Mosque of Pakistan.
About 300,000 worshipers can offer prayer in Faisal Mosque.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born in which city?
- Sialkot
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Islamabad
- a
Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born on 8th November 1877 in Sialkot and died on 21st April 1938 in Lahore.
He is buried in Lahore.
How many district in Balochistan?
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 36
- c
There are 7 divisions in Balochistan.
First Martial Law was imposed by:
- Ayub Khan
- Yahiya Khan
- Zia Ul Haq
- Iskandar Mirza
- d
First Martial Law was imposed on Pakistan on 7th October 1958 till 8th June 1962.
First Martial Law was imposed during Prime Minister Feroz Khan Noon.