- about
- of
- on
- in
- b
اس کا کوئی نوٹس نہ لیں۔
Sindh Police Department
Unfortunately, we had to cancel it owing…..the bad weather.
- to
- of
- about
- at
- a
بدقسمتی سے، ہمیں خراب موسم کی وجہ سے اسے منسوخ کرنا پڑا۔
It was kind …..you to help.
- on
- about
- in
- of
- d
She cares …..the environment.
- in
- of
- about
- on
- c
وہ ماحول کا خیال رکھتی ہے۔
He was embarrassed because everybody was laughing………him.
- at
- on
- in
- about
- a
وہ شرمندہ تھا کیونکہ سب اس پر ہنس رہے تھے۔
Green Pepper is very rich……vitamin C.
- of
- in
- about
- on
- b
ہری مرچ وٹامن سی سے بھرپور ہوتی ہے۔
Who wrote National Anthem of Pakistan?
- Hafiz Jalandhri
- Ch. Rehmat Ali
- Allama Iqbal
- None of these
- a
The national anthem of Pakistan was wrote in 1952.
National Anthem of Pakistan first time was read by Hafiz Jalandhri in 1954 on Radio Pakistan.
There are 49 words in National Anthem of Pakistan.
Total duration of National Anthem of Paksitan is 1 Minute and 20 seconds.
Which of the following is hottest place in Pakistan?
- Karachi
- Chaghi
- Jacobabad
- Sibi
- c
The name of this city is related to John Jacob Officer of the British East India Company.
Jacobabad is the 43rd biggest city of Pakistan.
Which is the oldest fort in Pakistan?
- Lahore Fort
- Kot Digi Fort
- Rohtas Fort
- Darawar Fort
- d
In which sector, the largest labour force is attached in Pakistan?
- Agriculture
- Trade
- Defense
- Services
- a
About 43.5% labour of Pakistan is attached with Agriculture.