- Bolan Highway
- Chitral Highway
- Chiltan Highway
- b
Karakoram Highway is also known as Friendship Highway, KKH and N-35.
The length of Karakoram Highway is 1300 Km.
Its construction was started in 1966 and completed in 1979.
Sindh Police Department
Which area receives the heaviest snow fall in a year?
- Skardu
- Hunza
- Naran
- Chitral
- a
The largest island of Pakistan is:
- Keti Bandar
- Manora
- Shah Bundal
- Istola
- d
Istola Island of Pakistan is largest island of Pakistan.
Pakistan’s largest museum is:
- Lahore Museum
- Karachi Museum
- Peshawar Museum
- Taxila Museum
- b
Largest Museum of Pakistan is National Museum Karachi.
National Museum Karachi was established on 17th April 1950.
There was Victoria Museum before National Museum Karachi and was established in 1865.
SHO stands for:
- Senior House Officer
- Station House Officer
- Station Home Officer
- None of these
- b
“C” represent Constable.
“HC” represent Head Constable.
“SI” represents Sub Inspector.
“ASI” Assistant Sub Inspector.
CPO stands for:
- Current Poilce Officer
- Central Police Officer
- Current Poilce Officer
- None of these
- b
SSP stands for Senior Superintendent of Police.
DSP stands for Deputy Superintendent of Police.
FIR stands for:
- Full Information Report
- First Investigation Report
- First Intern Report
- First Information Report
- d
There are two types of FIRs.
When did Rail Service started from Peshawar to Torkham?
- 1925
- 1926
- 1927
- 1928
- a
NATO stands for:
- No Atlantic Treaty Organization
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- No Atlantic Treaty Organization
- None of these
- b
NATO is a Military Alliance.
NATO consist of 30 member States.
NATO was founded on 4th April 1949.
Where is located Headquarter of Asian Development Bank?
- Philippine
- Japan
- a
The Headquarter of WB is located in Washington DC, USA.
It was founded in July 1944.
Total member countries of WB are 189.