- Lahore
- Quetta
- Karachi
- Peshawar
- c
Capital of Punjab is Lahore.
Capital of Baluchistan is Quetta.
Capital of KPK is Peshawar.
Sindh Police Department
Who is current Chief Minister of Sindh?
- Usman Buzdar
- Murad Ali Shah
- Mehmood Khan
- Jam Kamal Khan
- b
مراد علی شاہ 23 فروری 2024 سے بطور وزیر اعلی سندھ خدمات سر انجام دے رہے ہیں۔آپ صوبہ سندھ کے 30ویں وزیر اعلی ہیں۔آپ کا تعلق پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی سے ہے۔آپ مسلسل تیسری بار وزیر اعلی سندھ منتخب ہونے کا اعزاز رکھتے ہیں۔آپ ماضی میں صوبہ سندھ کیلئے وزیر آبپاشی اور وزیر خزانہ خدمات سر انجام دے چکے ہیں۔
What is name of Intelligence Agency of Afghanistan?
- The National Directorate of Security
- d
Golan Heights belonged to:
- Israel
- Jordan
- Iran
- China
- a
There were fought 6 days war between Syria and Israel.
Israel captured area of Syria that is called Golan Heights.
Who is current Governor of Sindh?
- Amanullah Khan Yousafzai
- Shah Farman
- Ch. Sarwar
- Kamran Tessori
- d
Kamran Tessori is serving as Governor Sindh since 10th October 2022. He is 34th Governor of Sindh. He belongs to MQM.
Which of the following is longest river of Pakistan?
- Indus
- Ravi
- Chenab
- Jhelum
- a
The length of River Indus is 3180 Km.
River Indus is National River of Pakistan.
Zakat became obligation in …..hijri.
- 2 AH
- 3 AH
- 4 AH
- 5 AH
- a
Zajat, Roza and Jihad became Farz in 2nd Hijri.
When did Qibla changed?
- 5th Hijri
- 4th Hijri
- 3rd Hijri
- 2nd Hijri
- d
The command of Change of Qibla is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah aayat no 144,149 and 150.
The literal meaning of “Shirk” is:
- lie
- To Believe in
- To Rectify
- Partnership
- d
The opposite of Shirk is Tauheed.
Makkah was conquered in:
- 8 AH
- 9 AH
- 10 AH
- 11 AH
- a
Its not confirm about AD.
Its idea that 8 AH was December 629 AD or January 630 AD.