- Cars
- Sugarcane
- Film Industry
- Vitamin K
- d
Deficiency of Vitamin A causes Night Blindness.
Sindh Police Department
Sodium Carbonate is also known as:
- Bleeching Powder
- Carbon Dioxide
- Washing Soda
- None of these
- c
The Chemical formula of Sodium Carbonate is Na2CO3.
OPEC is an organization of:
- Asian Countries
- European Countries
- Oil producing countries
- African Countries
- a
OPEC stands for Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.
OPEC consist of 15 member countries.
OPEC headquarter is located in Vienna, Austria.
Taka is the currency of:
- Maldives
- Nepal
- Bhutan
- Bangladesh
- d
Currency of Maldives is “Ruffiya”.
Currency of Nepal is “Rupia”.
Currency of Bhutan is “Ngultrum”
Which of the following is the brightest planet in the Solar System?
- Venus
- Jupiter
- Mars
- Saturn
- a
The distance of Venus from Sun is 108.47 Million Km.
In Pakistan, Chillgozha forests are found at:
- Zhob
- Lasbela
- Muree
- Ziarat
- c
……is the largest desert of the world.
- Kalahari
- Gobi
- Takla Makan
- Antarctic
- d
The area of Antarctic desert is 5.5 Million Square Miles.
The microscope is used to study:
- Distant Objects
- New Objects
- Large Objects
- Small and Near Objects
- d
Telescope is used to watch distant objects.
Who built Taj Mehal in Agra?
- Ustad Wazeer
- Ustad Jahangir
- Ustad Isa
- Ustad Ahmed Lahori
- d
Taj Mehal was built on the order of Shah Jahan in memory of Mumtaz Mehal.
Taj Mehal is located in Agra, UP,India.
Increasing ….pollution is affecting badly the climatic conditions.
- air
- water
- soil
- None of these
- a