- Rawalpindi
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Peshawar
- a
Sindh Police Department
The capital city of Afghanistan is:
- Cairo
- Dhaka
- Tehran
- Kabul
- d
Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.
Tehran is the capital of Iran.
Choose the correctly rearranged word from the given jumbled letters. UAPESLRE:
- Plea
- Pleasure
- Sure
- Sea
- b
Pleasure خوشی
Choose the correctly rearranged word from the given jumbled letters. ASHSHITOING:
- Stonning
- Astonishing
- A & C
- Austerity
- b
Astonishing حیرت زدہ
Choose the words most similar in meaning to the following words: Aid:
- Help
- Add
- Disease
- Assistant
- a
Aid امداد
Help مدد
Choose the words most similar in meaning to the following words: Triple:
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- c
Choose the words most similar in meaning to the following words: Loyal:
- Dishonest
- Robber
- Unfaithful
- Faithful
- d
Loyal وفادار
Faithful وفادار
Choose the words most similar in meaning to the following words: Queue:
- Line
- Lane
- Lame
- Long
- a
Queue قطار
Line قطار
What is the coastline length of Pakistan?
- 800 Km
- 1090 Km
- 1100 Km
- 1046 Km
- d
The length of Pakistan Coastline is 650 Miles.
Novel war and peace was written by:
- Leo Tolstoy
- William Shakespeare
- Mary Shelley
- None of these
- a
Novel War and Peace was written in 1867.
Leo Tolstoy was a Russian Author.