- Near
- Widespread
- Outside
- None of these
- b
Prevalent غالب
Widespread وسیع پیمانے پر
Sindh Police Department
What is synonym of “Sundry”?
- Same
- Various
- Difficult
- None of these
- b
Sundry خوبصورت, دلدل
Various مختلف
We have full faith…our teachers.
- on
- in
- of
- at
- b
ہمیں اپنے اساتذہ پر پورا اعتماد ہے۔
Usman is afraid …..dog.
- of
- to
- by
- from
- a
عثمان کتے سے ڈرتا ہے۔
Whether I pay or my wife pays amounts ….the same thing.
- of
- to
- for
- from
- b
ایک ہی چیز کیلئے میں یا میری بیوی رقم ادا کریں گے۔
The underground water channels used for irrigation are called:
- Rivers
- Karez
- Sea
- None of these
- b
Karez system is used in Balochistan.
Who was the first Muslim leader, who used word “Nation” for Muslims of Sub-Continent?
- Quaid E Azam
- Allama Iqbal
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
- Muhammad Ali Johar
- c
According to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, There are lived two nations in sub- continent which are Hindu and Muslim.
They could not live together.
Choose the plurals of the following words: Student:
- Studentes
- Sudineties
- Students
- None of these
- c
Student طالب علم
Choose the correct Answer from the following : Earth …..only one moon.
- is
- contain
- has
- can
- c
زمین میں صرف ایک چاند ہے۔
Choose the correct Answer from the following : His speech was cheered…….everyone.
- at
- to
- in
- by
- d
اسکی تقریر سے سب خوش ہوئے۔