- Spoil
- Rectify
- Trust
- Amuse
- a
Vitiate مٹا دینا
Spoil خراب
Sindh Police Department
Choose the same meaning from the following: Popular:
- Hideous
- Hated
- Famous
- Previous
- C
Popular مقبول
Famous مشہور
Choose the same meaning from the following: Extreme:
- Severe
- Verify
- Desire
- None of these
- a
Extreme انتہائی
Severe شدید
MOU stands for:
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Memorandum of Unity
- Modus of Unity
- None of these
- a
MoU is a formal agreement between two or more parties.
MoU are not legally bindings but it based on the seriousness of parties.
PPC stands for:
- Pakistan Post Code
- Punjab Public Commission
- Pakistan Panel Court
- Pakistan Penal Code
- d
Pakistan Penal Code was created by Lord Mechalay in 1860.
Who can grant remand of accused?
- Magistrate
- Session Judge
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
The United Nations officially came into existence in:
- September, 1945
- April, 1945
- October, 1945
- November, 1945
- c
United Nations consist of 193 members.
The General Secretary of UN is Antonio Gutters.
Headquarter of UN is situated in New York, USA.
Pakistan has shortest boundary with:
- China
- Russia
- India
- Afghanistan
- a
The border length of Pakistan with China is 592 Km.
What is pH of blood ?
- 6.5
- 7.0
- 7.4
- 8.4
- c
7.4 is the pH of pure blood.
pH of cow milk is 6.7-6.9
pH of buffalo milk is 6.4-6.6.
The areas having the rainfall ranges between 102-204 cm dominated by:
- Deciduous Forest
- Monsoon Forest
- Mangroves
- Desert Vegetation
- c