- George William
- Alexander Fleming
- Walter Adherson
- Jon Eleton
- b
Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin in 1929.
Sindh Police Department
AOL stands for:
- America Open Line
- America Online
- All Over Left
- None of these
- b
AOL is an Internet Service Provider.
Kathmandu is the capital of:
- Nepal
- Japan
- China
- Bangladesh
- a
Kathmandu became capital of Nepal in 1769.
Nepal is a country of Asia Continent.
What was old name of China?
- Cathay
- Cathlain
- Calora
- None of these
- a
In the MG Motor Car, MG stands for:
- Mortigage Garages
- Morris Garages
- Most Garages
- None of these
- b
The head office of MG Motors is situated in UK.
Which type of camel has two humps?
- Dromedary
- Batrian
- Both A & B
- None of these
- b
There are 94% single hump (Dromedary) camels in the world.
There are 6% two hump camels (Batrian)in the world.
Biggest Continent of the World with respect to area is:
- Asia
- Antarctica
- Africa
- None of these
- b
Biggest Continent as population is Asia.
SOS stands for:
- Search Our System
- Special offer System
- Save Our Souls
- Save Our Surrounding
- c
ہماری جانیں بچائیں۔یہ ایمرجنسی کی صورت میں ملائی جانے والی کال ہے۔
How many kinds of calls?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- c
Single Call
Multiple Call
Group Call
The word “Out” is sign of ……of Message.
- Incomplete
- Completion
- Continue
- None of these
- b
آؤٹ کا لفظ میسج کے آخر میں بولا جاتا ہے جب بات مکمل ہو جاتی ہے اور جواب کی ضرورت نہیں ہوتی۔