- France
- Italy
- Germany
- China
- d
This army was discovered in Xian, China on 29th March 1974.
Sindh Police Department
Riksdag is the Parliament of which country?
- Sweden
- Norway
- Holland
- Finland
- a
Riksdag is a unicameral parliament elected by the people for four years term.
It is legislative decision making Supreme Power of Sweden since 1971.
There are 349 seats in Riksdag.
Name the highest mountain on the earth:
- Mount Fuji
- Mount McKinley
- Mount Everest
- Mount Kilimanjaro
- c
Mount Everest is located in Himalaya range at the border of China and Nepal.
The height of Mount Everest is 8849 meters.
The name of this mountain is linked with the name of former Surveyor General of India “George Everest”.
The ancient city of Babylon, known for the Hanging Garden, was located in _____
- Istanbul
- Iraq
- Lisbon
- Athens
- b
The currency of Egypt is _____
- Egypt Pound
- Euro
- Dirham
- Dinar
- a
The capital of Egypt is Cairo.
The biggest city of Egypt is Cairo also.
The official language of Egypt is Arabic.
Anwar Haq Kakar is the _____ interim Prime Minister of Pakistan.
- 7th
- 8th
- 9th
- 10th
- b
He took oath as Caretaker PM of Paksitan on 14th August 2023.
He belonged to Balochistan Awami Party (BAP).
International Monetary Fund (IMF) is located in:
- London
- Geneva
- Washington
- Paris
- c
IMF stands for International Monetary Fund.
IMF was founded on 27th December 1945.
There are 190 member countries of IMF.
IMF was created through Bretton Woods Agreement.
Which of the following is the largest Museum of Pakistan?
- Lahore Museum
- Karachi Museum
- Taxila Museum
- Peshawar Museum
- b
National Museum Karachi is the largest Museum of Pakistan.
It is also the first Museum of Pakistan.
It was established in 1951.
It was Victoria Museum before this.
In which year the deadly Corona virus emerged?
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- b
First case of Corona Virus identified in China in December 2019.
First case of Corona Virus identified in Pakistan on 26th February 2020.
Pakistan’s largest coal deposits are found in:
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Baluchistan
- b
Largest deposits of coal are found in Tehsil Diplo, District Tharparker, Sindh.
These deposits are 16th largest deposits in the world.
These reserves are about 175 Billion tons.