- 27th
- 26th
- 25th
- 25th
- a
It was 27th Ramadan 1366 Hijri.
Its date in AD is 14th August 1947.
Sindh Police Department
City of Lights is ……
- Lahore
- Lahore
- Delhi
- Paris
- d
Karachi is called city of lights in Pakistan.
Paris is called city of lights whole over the world.
Who discovered America?
- Jabir Bin Hayyan
- Aristotle
- Columbus
- None of these
- c
Christopher Columbus discovered the America on 12th October 1492.
He belonged to Italy.
Which of the following is the National Flower of Pakistan?
- Gulab
- Chambeli
- Gulab
- None of these
- b
Chambeli is called Jasmine in English.
Jasmine became national flower of Pakistan on 15th July 1961.
How many members of NATO?
- 29
- 30
- 31
- 32
- b
NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
NATO was founded on 4th April 1949.
The Headquarter of NATO is located in Brussels, Belgium.
OGRA stands for:
- Oil and Gas Regular Authority
- Oil and Gas Restriction Authority
- Oil and Gas Regulation Authority
- Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority
- d
OGRA was founded in 2002.
Quaid E Azam resigned from Congress in ……
- 1906
- 1913
- 1920
- 1934
- c
All India Muslim League was founded in 1906.
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Joined All India Muslim League in 1913.
He remained member of both parties from 1913 to 1920.
“Higher then Hope” by Fatima Meer is a Biography of:
- Nelson Mandela
- Ahmad Shah Abdali
- George Bush
- Quaid E Azam
- a
Fatima Meer is a South African Writer.
She published “Higher then ” in 1990.
…….is the smallest particle of matter.
- Molecule
- Atom
- Nucleolus
- None of these
- b
Two or more atoms combined to form Molecule.
Where is located Navy College?
- Rawalpindi
- Islamabad
- Lahore
- Karachi
- d
Navy College was founded in 1962.