- Taif
- Masjid E Nabvi
- Gar E Hira
- Bait Ul Muqaddas
- c
The age of Holy Prophet (PBUH) was 40 years at the time of first Wahi.
Fist Wahi consist of first 5 aayat of Surah Al-Alaq.
Sindh Police Department
Highest Mountain of the world is:
- K-2
- Tirch Mir
- Nanga Parbat
- Mount Everest
- d
Mount Everest is located in Nepal and China.
The height of Mount Everest is 8849 Meters.
It was climbed first time on 29th May 1953.
Who was first President of Pakistan?
- Iskandar Mirza
- Quaid E Azam
- Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
- Ayub Khan
- a
Iskandar Mirza was forth and last Governor General of Pakistan.
Iskandar Mirza is buried in Tehran, Iran.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal presented two nations theory in:
- Lahore
- Lahore
- Allahabad
- None of these
- c
Allama Muhammad Iqbal delivered Khutba Allahabad on 29th March 1930.
It was 25th annual session of All India Muslim League.
Pakistan Air force Headquarter is located in:
- Lahore
- Islamabad
- Karachi
- Karachi
- b
Pakistan Air force Headquarter was changed again and again, but Islamabad became Headquarter of Air force in 2005.
My father said that honesty is the better policy.
- 98.0 C
- 98.0 F
- 98.6 F
- 98.6 C
- c
The normal temperature of human body in Celsius is 37 C.
Change the sentence into Indirect form: My father said, “Honesty is the best policy”.
- My father said that honesty is the better policy.
- My father said that honesty is the best planning.
- My father said that Honesty is the best policy
- None of these
- c
Its Universal truth.
میرے والد نے کہا ، "ایمانداری بہترین پالیسی ہے۔"
Where is Warsak Dam located?
- Sindh
- Sindh
- b
Warsak Dam is located on River Kabul in Peshawar.
Its construction was started in 1949 and became operational in 1960.
Its installed capacity is 243 MW.
Change the sentence into Indirect form: Teacher said, “Sun rises in the east”
- Teacher said that Sun rose in the east.
- Teacher said that Sun rises in the east.
- Teacher said that Sun rose in the west.
- None of these
- b
Its Universal Truth.
استاد نے کہا ، "مشرق میں سورج طلوع ہوا“
استاد نے کہا کہ مشرق میں سورج طلوع ہوا۔
Change the sentence into Indirect form: They said, “We play cricket”.
- They said that they plays cricket.
- They said that they played cricket.
- They said that they play cricket.
- They said that they played cricket.
- d
انہوں نے کہا ، "ہم کرکٹ کھیلتے ہیں"۔
ان کا کہنا تھا کہ وہ کرکٹ کھیلتے ہیں۔