- Girl said that she is reading in the evening.
- Girl said that I read in the evening.
- Girl said that she read in the evening.
- None of these
- c
Sindh Police Department
Who is the national poet of Pakistan?
- Ahmed Faraz
- Mir Taqi Mir
- Mirza Galib
- Allama Muhammad Iqbal
- d
Allama Muhammad Iqbal is also known as “Mufakar E Pakistan and Shair E Mashriq.
He was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot and died on 21st April 1938 in Lahore.
Change the sentence into Indirect form: Bilal said, “I go to Lahore”.
- Bilal spoke that he go to Lahore.
- Bilal told that he went to Lahore.
- Bilal told , he went to Lahore.
- Bila told that he gone to Lahore.
- b
بلال نے کہا ، "میں لاہور جاتا ہوں"۔
بلال نے بتایا کہ وہ لاہور گیا تھا۔
What is correct spelling of “Agrandize”?
- Egrandize
- Ugrendize
- Agrendize
- Aggrandize
- d
Aggrandize بڑھائیں
What is Synonym of “Abstruse”?
- Circulate
- Obvious
- Obscure
- None of these
- c
Abstruse غیر معمولی
Obscure غیر واضح
Which of the following is the oldest city of Pakistan?
- Lahore
- Multan
- Bahawalpur
- Faisalabad
- b
The old name of Multan was Kashep Puri.
Multan is also called City of Saints.
Multan is the 7th biggest city of Pakistan.
What is antonym of “Enigma”?
- Active
- Puzzle
- Sleep
- None of these
- a
Enigma پریشان / سمجھ نہ آنا
Active ہوشیار
Who was Angelina Markel?
- President of USA
- EU President
- Secretary General UN
- German Chancellor
- d
She was 19th Chancellor of Germany.
She is redetected in 2005,2009,2013 and 2017 as Chancellor of Germany.
PPC stands for:
- Pakistan Panel Code
- Pakistan Panel Code
- Pakistan Penal Code
- Pakistan Postal Code
- c
PPC was originally prepared by Lord Macaulay in 1860.
How many bones in a human body (adult)?
- 206
- 250
- 270
- 320
- a
There are 300 bones in a new born baby that merges with each others with the passage of time and makes 206 bones.