- Sugarcane
- Maiz
- Wheat
- Rice
- a
WAPDA Department
All Papers of WAPDA Department are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All WAPDA MCQs of All Papers are completely solved with short detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
Pakistan and China signed border agreement in which year?
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- c
This agreement of border was signed between Pakistan and China on 2nd March 1963.
Sindh Literacy Board was set up in which year?
- 1955
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- a
Sindhi Literacy Board was setup in Jamshoro in 1955.
What is antonym of Clear?
- Unclear
- Vague
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
Clear صاف
Unclear غیر واضح
Vague مبہم
Quaid E Azam Trophy is related to:
- Badminton
- Football
- Cricket
- Hockey
- c
Quaid E Azam Trophy is domestic first class Cricket tournament.
It was played first time in 1953- 1954.
In 1945-46 Election, Muslim League won majority seats in both provinces which are:
- Punjab and Sindh
- Bengal and Sindh
- Punjab and Bengal
- None of these
- b
Second Khilafat meeting was held in 1919 in:
- Lukhnow
- Bombay
- Dehli
- Amartasar
- d
In 1937 Election, Muslim League won…..seats out of 482 reserves for Muslims.
- 106
- 104
- 102
- 100
- a
Baqarah means:
- Cow
- Sheep
- Camel
- Goat
- a
Surah Al Baqarah is 2nd and largest Surah of Quran.
Kausar means?
- Minimum
- Shortness
- Abundance
- None of these
- c
The meaning of Kausar are Abundance, Bountiful or Plentiful.