- ᴫ-h
- ᴫrh
- 2ᴫ+h
- 2ᴫrh
- d
Constable (Punjab Police)
All Constable Punjab Police Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Police Constable Papers are completely solved with short detail.Our team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Two lines that makes an angle is called:
- Rays
- Segment
- Vertical
- Vertex
- d
Vertical angles that are opposite to each other are also:
- Equal
- Opposite
- Not Equal
- None of these
- a
Find the mean proportion between 05 and 45:
- 25
- 15
- 35
- 50
- b
Two numbers are in the ratio 5:4 and their difference is 10.What is the largest number?
- 50
- 60
- 70
- 80
- a
5(10) – 4(10)
What is the ratio of Faheem’s salary to Imran’s salary to Naveed’s salary? If Faheem makes 80,000 Rupees, Imran 70,000 Rupees and Naveed makes 50,000 Rupees.
- 8:7:5
- 80:70:60
- 4:7:5
- 7:8:9
- a
If Mubeen while selling two goats at the same price makes a profit of 10% on one goat and suffers a loss of 10% on the other, he…..
- Suffer a loss of 02%
- Makes a no profit no loss
- Makes a profit of 01%
- Suffers a loss of 01%
- d
Formula = (Loss% age * Profit% age)/100
Three candidates contested an election and received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively. What percentage of total votes did the winning candidate get?
- 45%
- 53%
- 57%
- 62%
- c
Total Votes = 1136+7636+11628=20400
Winner Votes =11628
Percentage of Winning Candidate Votes= (obtained Votes/Total Votes)*100
Rameez buys good worth Rs. 6650, He gets a rebate of 06% on it, After getting the rebate, he pays sales tax @10%. Find the amount he will have to pay for the goods ?
- 6999:20
- 6876:10
- 6654
- 7000
- b
Total Price = 6650
Discount / Rebate = 06%
06 % = 06/100*6650=399
Purchase Amount = 6650-399=6251
10% Tax = 6251*10/100=625.10
Total Paid Amount = 6251+625.10=6876.1
The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent increase of population per year is:
- 37%
- 6 %
- 5%
- 7%
- c
One Decade = 10 Years
Total Increase = 262500-175000=87500
Total Increase in One decade= 87500
Percentage= (Obtained/Total)*100
Population Increase in one Decade = 50%
Population increase in one Year = 50/10=05%