- Difference
- Diversity
- Tolerance
- None of these
- b
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Rescue 1122 Current & Past Solved Papers have uploaded in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All EMT Rescue 1122 MCQs as well as trade related MCQs are included in this portion.This section is most helpful for all candidates of Emergency Medical Technician EMT Rescue 1122.
Oxbow Lakes are ____ shaped lakes.
- Circle
- Crescent
- Square
- Irregular
- b
KNA stands for:
- Kenya News Agency
- Kanin News Agency
- Known News Agency
- None of these
- a
KNA is the news agency of:
- Kenya
- Nepal
- India
- Bangladesh
- a
It was created in 1963.
UN Day was celebrated first time in:
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- d
Which day is celebrated as Untied Nations Day?
- August 24
- September 24
- October 24
- November 24
- c
Indian Parliament “Bharatiya Sansad” is _______
- Bicameral
- Unicameral
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
This system consists of President of Inida and two housed named Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha.
Name of the Indian Parliament is:
- Sansad
- Tashogdu
- National Assembly
- None of these
- a
The Bharatiya Sansad is the supreme legislative body of the Republic of India.
The capital of Brazil is _______
- Tokyo
- Brasilia
- Khatmandu
- None of these
- b
The currency of Brazil is:
- Real
- Pula
- Marks
- Dolor
- a