- وقار عظیم
- شوکت صدیقی
- آل احمد سرور
- امجد اسلام امجد
- b
خدا کی بستی ناول، شوکت صدیقی نے 1957 میں شائع کیا۔
Sub Inspector (SI)
Sub Inspector (SI) Solved Current & Past Papers MCQs have uploaded in this section. All papers of Sub Inspector (SI) of All Departments of Pakistan i.e Police Department, Anti-Corruption Department, Federal Board of Revenue FBR, Anti-Narcotics Force ANF, Federal Investigation Agency FIA and etc are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
اس ڈائری یا نوٹ بک کو ، جس میں شاعر اپنا کلام رکھتا ہے ، کیا کہتے ہیں؟
- بیاض
- دیوان
- کلیات
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- a
فتح کا مترادف کیا ہے؟
- سرور
- ظفر
- شکست
- اقبال
- b
الل ٹپ، کی ترکیب کا مفہوم کیا ہے؟
- بے سوچے سمجھے
- رازکی بات
- سوچ بچار
- زبان خلق
- a
Statistical study of human population is called:
- Entonomology
- Demography
- Ecology
- Anthropology
- b
The term biography first time used by Belgian Statistician Achille Guillard in his publication in 1855.
Where is Bathsheba Beach situated?
- Brazil
- Barbados
- Mexico
- Chile
- b
Bathsheba Beach is also known as “Soup Bowl”.
Barbados Country is located in North America.
Which among the following country was first to give women the right of Vote?
- New Zealand
- Australia
- Iceland
- China
- a
On 19th September 1893, The Governor Lord Glasgow signed a new Electoral Act that provides rights of vote for women.
What is percentage is 12 of 36?
- 22.25%
- 33.33%
- 40%
- 50%
- b
In computing, NOS stands for:
- Non-Operating System
- Network Operating System
- Node Operating System
- None of these
- b
Which of the following way cannot be used to link excel worksheet data to a Word document?
- With the right drag method
- With a hyperlink
- With the copy and paste buttons on the standard toolbar
- None of these
- c