- 11th
- 12th
- 13th
- 14th
- a
The real name of Alberuni was Abu Rehan Muhammad Bin Ahmed Alberuni.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
Who collected Verses of Quran on one place? He also know as Jami Ul Quran.
- Abdullah Ibn E Masood (R.A)
- Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)
- Umar (R.A)
- Usman Ghani (R.A)
- d
Zou Norain is also title of Usman Ghani (R.A).
Usman (R.A) is the third Caliph of Islam.
The Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) was established among Paksitan, Iran and Turkey in 1964 and was annulled in:
- 1979
- 1980
- 1985
- 1999
- a
RCD stands for Regional Cooperation for development.
RCD was founded in 1964 and annulled in 1979
…..swords were broken by Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A).
- 09
- 07
- 06
- 12
- a
The title of Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A) is “Saif Allah (Sword of Allah)”
……helped the Holy Prophet while He (PBUH) injured in the Battle of Uhad.
- Zaid (R.A)
- Abdul Rehman (R.A)
- Saad Bin Abi Waqas (R.A)
- Saeed (R.A)
- c
Battle of Uhad was fought in 7th Shawwal 3 Hijri.
Splitting of the moon is occurred in ……
- Muzdalfa
- Mina
- Arafat
- All of the Above
- c
The splitting of moon miracle is mentioned in Surah Al Qamar Ayat No 01.
Pious Caliphate lasted for about:
- Eighteen Years
- Thirty Years
- Forty Years
- None of these
- b
Due to Violent behavior of Quresh, Muslims Migrated to …..
- Abyssinia
- Egypt
- Iran
- None of these
- d
Muslims migrated to Madina.
The witness (PBUH) is the meaning of ……
- Bashar
- Nazeer
- Shahid
- None of these
- c
In which Surah the word “Quran Ul Kareem” is used?
- Aale E Imran
- Al-Waqia
- Al-Nisa
- None of these
- b
The word “Quran Ul Kareem” is mentioned in 77 Aayat of Surah Al Waqia.