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NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
Which of the following keys displays the hidden task bar___?
- Ctrl + F2
- Ctrl + Esc
- Ctrl + Alt
- Ctrl + F7
- b
The freezing point of water is ____
- 32 F
- 195 F
- 212 F
- 100 F
- A
The freezing point of water is 0 C.
The boiling point of water is 100 C OR 212 F.
Anything that has mass and occupy space is called:
- Matter
- Substance
- Element
- None of these
- A
There are three states of matter
The number, whose 13 Percent is 52 is ____
- 400
- 450
- 530
- 630
- A
13%=13/100 OR 0.13
Who discovered Bacteria?
- Jabir Bin Hayyan
- Neil Bohar
- Leeunwenhoek
- None of these
- C
He discovered Bacteria in 1675.
He was a microbiologist and belonged to Netherlands.
Who invented X-Ray machine?
- Thomson
- William Conrad Roentgen
- Rutherford
- None of these
- B
Roentgen invented X-Rays machine in 1895 in Germany.
Largest part of human body is:
- Arms
- Legs
- Skin
- None of these
- C
Whole body of human is controlled by:
- Heart
- Brain
- Legs
- None of these
- B
How many gases are present in the air?
- 06
- 07
- 08
- 09
- A
There are present Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Argon and Helium.