- New York
- Washington DC
- Paris
- Frankfurt
- A
The buildings which have multiple floors and minimum height should be upto 490 meters is called Skyscraper.
First Skyscraper was built in 1885.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
Telephone was invented by_____
- Alexander Graham Bell
- D. Bushnell
- Sir Ernest Swington
- J. Whinsfield and H. Dickson
- A
Telephone was invented on 7 March 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell.
Alexander Graham Bell was an Engineer and belonged to UK.
First telephone call was made about 43 seconds.
The animal Kangaroo is to be found in____
- Malysia
- Australia
- Sri Lanka
- Mauritius
- B
Kangaroo is the national animal of Australia.
Kangaroo belongs to Macropods.
Macropods is a small group of animals.
On which of the following occasions, Muslim offers “Nimaz E Khusuf”?
- At the time of the eclipse of moon
- At the time of the eclipse of moon
- At the time of the eclipse of moon
- For the sake of rain
- B
Nimaz E Kasoofoffers at the time of eclipse of sun.
Nimaz E Istasqa offers for rain.
Who has not been a Prime Minister of Pakistan?
- Ayub Khan
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Benazir Bhutto
- Nawaz Sharif
- A
Ayub Khan was a Military General who served as second President of Pakistan from 1958 to 1969.
Durand Line marks the frontier between______
- Iran and Iraq
- Pakistan and India
- Pakistan and Afghanistan
- Russia and China
- C
Durand Line was established on 12 November 1893.
The length of Durand line is 2611 Km.
The wonder of the world “Taj Mehal” is situated in the Indian state of _____
- Himachal Pradesh
- Uttar Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Maharashtra
- B
Taj Mehal is situated in Agrah, UP, India.
It was built on the orders of Shah Jahn for Mumtaz Mahal.
Its construction was started in 1631 and completed in 1653.
The capital of Libya is_____
- Tripoli
- Oslo
- Beirut
- Rigu
- A
Full form of Tripoli is Tarabulus Al Gharb.
Tripoli became capital of Libya in 1911.
FIA stands for __________
- Federal Information Agency
- Federal Investigation Authority
- Federal Investigation Agency
- None of these
- C
FIA is an autonomous department of Pakistan.
FIA was established on 13 January 1975.
FIA consist of 13 major units.
Agha Khan Cup is for ____
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Tennis
- Football
- B
Agha Khan cup was introduced in Mumbai during British Raj.
There are 11 players in hockey game.
Hockey is national game of both India and Pakistan.