- Ecuador
- Cuba
- Bolivia
- Argentina
- d
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
Sound cannot travel through:
- Solids
- Liquids
- Vacuum
- Gases
- c
A is the mother of B and C. if D is the Husband of C , What relation does A have to D ?
- Aunt
- Sister
- Mother
- Mother in Law
- d
A is Mother= B & C
D is Husband = C
A is Mother in Law of D
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Profane:
- Respectful
- Arrogant
- Benign
- Pious
- a
Profane گستاخ
Respectful احترام
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Impound:
- Stimulate
- Strengthen
- Release
- Generate
- c
Imposed مسلط کیا گیا
Release رہائی
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Deplete:
- Replenish
- Renounce
- Refund
- Fulfill
- a
Deplete مکمل
Replenish بھرنے
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly Opposite meaning as the given word: Denounce:
- Gather
- Flight
- Defend
- Organize
- c
Denounce مذمت کرنا
Defend دفاع کریں
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly same meaning as the given word: Ponder:
- Flattery
- Condemn
- Lake
- Think Over
- d
Ponder غور کرنا
Think Over دوبارہ سوچو
Choose the word from the given options which has nearly same meaning as the given word: Feasible:
- Factual
- Theoretical
- Real
- Practicable
- d
Feasible ممکن
Practicable قابل عمل
Breeding and management of bees is known as:
- Apiculture
- Sericulture
- Horticulture
- None of these
- a
Apiculture field was properly introduced after 1500BC.