- Contiguous
- Sharpened
- Cut-Off
- None of these
- a
Adjacent ملحق:
Contiguous ملحق
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
X-Rays were discovered by:
- Rutherford
- Thomson
- Rontgen
- None of these
- c
X-Rays were discovered by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895.
CNG is an abbreviation of:
- Converted Natural Gas
- Conducted Natural Gas
- Compressed Natural Gas
- Constructed Natural Gas
- C
CNG was discovered by William Hart in a well of a New York in 1821.
Select the Pair of Words from the given options, which expresses a similar relationship as in the given words: Ounce : Weight
- Menu : Choice
- Scale : Mass
- Acre : Area
- None of these
- b
Select the Pair of Words from the given options, which expresses a similar relationship as in the given words: Telescope : Eye
- Eyeglasses : Vision
- Telephone : Hearing
- Stethoscope : Ear
- Necklace :Neck
- c
Select the Pair of Words from the given options, which expresses a similar relationship as in the given words: Atom : Microscope
- Plant : Telescope
- Tape : Microphone
- Receiver : Telephone
- Submarine : Periscope
- a
To create a table of columns and rows for Mathematical calculation or statistical representative which program is used?
- Word Perfect
- Auto Cad
- Excel
- Word Pad
- C
Which of the following is not an operating system?
- Windows
- Linux
- Oracle
- d
A normal CD-ROM can usually store upto…..data.
- 680 MB
- 680 KB
- 680 Bytes
- 680 GB
- a
Which device is required for internet connection?
- NIC Card
- Mouse
- Modem
- c