- Geology
- Medicine
- Phusics
- Chemistry
- b
Gynecology is a branch of Medicine that focuses on Women’s bodies and their reproductive system.
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
Ecosystem refers to:
- Earth Environment
- Sea Mud
- Air Humidity
- Sea Salt
- a
Ecosystem is a community of living Organisms.
There are four types of Ecosystem, which are:
Tsunami is …………
- Massive wave in sea caused by Earthquake
- Cyclone
- Wind Storm
- Snowstorm
- a
Chemical Formula of Water is:
- Na
- H2O2
- CH
- H2O
- d
Water consist of two items of Hydrogen and one item of Oxygen.
Ozone layer protects life on earth from……..
- Greenhouse Gases
- Meteorites
- Ultra Violet Rays
- Humidity
- C
The Chemical Formula of Ozone is O3.
Unit of storage capacity of a hard disk:
- MB
- Volt
- Watt
- Millimeter
- a
MB stands for Mega Byte.
….is a famous email programme.
- Linux
- Gmail
- Windows
- Opera
- b
Gmail was invented by Paul Buchheit.
Email was invented by Ray Tomlinson.
Bill Gates is the creator of ……
- Microsoft
- Yahoo.com
- a
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on 4th April 1975.
Facebook is a ……network programme.
- Political
- Criminal
- Children
- Social
- d
Facebook was invented by Mark Zuckerberg on 4th February 2004.
Mark Zuckerberg belong to USA.
Which is the odd word among these?
- Sweet
- Black
- Sour
- Bitter
- b
Sweet, Sour and Bitter are different tastes and Black is a color.