- Mesh
- Ring
- Star
- None of these
- c
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
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- b
Pakistan acquired Gawadar from:
- Iran
- Oman
- Bahrain
- India
- b
Pakistan acquired Gawadar on 8th September 1958.
Pakistan acquired Gawadar against 3 Million USD.
Exposure to sunlight, results in formation of …… in the body.
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- c
Sun is Best Source of Vitamin D.
Where is the HQ of ICJ:
- Moscow
- London
- Hague
- Bern
- c
ICJ stands for International Court of Justice.
ICJ was established in 1945 and it started work in April 1946.
Biggest Bay of the World is:
- Bay of San Francisco
- Hudson Bay
- Bay of Fonda
- Bay of Bengal
- d
It is located in Bengal.
Its Length is 2090 KM (approx).
The Earth takes about ……. Hours to complete one rotation around its axis:
- 24
- 48
- 72
- 100
- a
The actual time of rotation of Earth around its axis is 23 hours 56 minutes.
Who was the first Air Marshal of Pakistan?
- Yahya Khan
- Amjad Hussain
- Kalim Saadat
- Asghar Khan
- d
Asghar Khan Joined Pakistan Air Force Academy Risalpur in 1947.
“BIN” is the Intelligence Agency of:
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- Indonesia
- Bangladesh
- c
Badan Intelligence Negara is the Intelligence Agency of Indonesia.
It was established in May 1946.
Which Sahabi Name is mentioned in Quran ?
- Zaid Bin Haris (R.A)
- Umar (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- None of these
- a
The name of Zaid Bin Haris (R.A) mentioned in Surah Al- Ahzaab.