- Yen
- Dollar
- Riyal
- Renminbi
- a
Yen Currency was adopted by Japan on 10th May 1871.
This currency was implemented in the country July 1871.
PTS Past Papers
All posts papers that are conducted by Pakistan Testing Service (PTS) are included in this section of ETEST Website. We upload PTS Solved MCQs in this section on daily basis.
Which of the following country produces Most Tea as compare to other countries?
- China
- China
- Kenya
- Sri Lanka
- b
Sri Lanka
Name the person whose house became the centre of preaching of Islam?
- Umar (R.A)
- Arqam (R.A)
- Usman (R.A)
- Usman (R.A)
- b
Arqam bin Abu Al Arqam belonged to Makhzum tribe.
He (R.A) accepted Islam at the invitation of Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A).
What is capital of Senegal?
- Rabat
- Dakar
- Helsiki
- None of these
- b
Senegal is a country of West Africa.
There are lived 90% Muslims and 10% Christians in Senegal.
Other than spreading malaria, anopheles mosquitoes are also vectors of:
- Flariasis
- Encephalitis
- Danger Fever
- Yellow Fever
- c
Which part of human brain is the centre or memory, learning, thinking and reasoning?
- Medulla
- Cerebellum
- Cerebrum
- None of these
- c
Normal human adult male has………
- 14 gram of hemoglobin / 100 gram of blood
- 10 gram of hemoglobin / 100 gram of blood
- 12 gram of hemoglobin / 100 gram of blood
- 16 gram of hemoglobin / 100 gram of blood
- a
A protein molecule may have:
- 21-30 Amino Acids
- 51-3000 Amino Acids
- 31-50 Amino Acids
- None of these
- a
The smallest amount of cells in WBC is of:
- Neutrophils
- Lymphocyte
- Both A & B
- None of these
- b
Amino Acids are the building blocks of:
- Proteins
- Vitamins
- Fats
- None of these
- a