- Surah Kausar
- Surah Al-Baqarah
- Surah Yaseen
- Surah Mujidilah
- b
Longest Aayat of Quran Majeed is also mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah.
There are total 286 ayat of Surah Al- Baqarah.
Ayat Al-Kursi is 255th aayat of Surah Al- Baqarah.
PTS Past Papers
All posts papers that are conducted by Pakistan Testing Service (PTS) are included in this section of ETEST Website. We upload PTS Solved MCQs in this section on daily basis.
Jasmine was chosen as National Flower of Pakistan in:
- 1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- a
Jasmine was selected as National Flower of Pakistan on 15th July 1961.
Nehru Report was represented in:
- 1927
- 1928
- 1929
- 1930
- b
In response of Nehru Report, Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah represented fourteen points on 31st March 1929.
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah died on:
- 9th September 1948
- 10th September 1948
- 11th September 1948
- 12th September 1948
- c
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25th December 1876.
Who is called “Ambassador of Peace”?
- Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Allama Iqbal
- Allama Iqbal
- Jawaharlal Lal Nehru
- a
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah struggled for Lakhnow Pact in 1916 and got right for separate electorates for Muslims.
What is synonym of “Zeal”?
- Power
- Passion
- Understanding
- None of these
- b
Zeal جوش
Passion جذبہ
What is Antonym of the “Rising” ?
- Up
- Raise
- Increase
- Decreasing
- d
Rising بڑھتی ہوئی
Decreasing کم ہو رہا ہے
Who imposed first Martial Law?
- Zia Ul Haq
- Yahiya Khan
- Iskandar Mirza
- None of these
- c
General Yahiya Khan imposed second Martial Law in 1969.
Zia Ul Haq imposed third Martial Law in 1977.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) spent…..years in Makkah.
- 10
- 43
- 53
- 63
- c
Holy Prophet (PBUH) spent 10 years in Medina.
Total life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) was 63 Years.
How many Hajj performed by Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- a
Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed 4 Umrah in his life.