- 40
- 45
- 50
- 55
- b
Race start time=09:00
Second Winner reached at goal=9:55
Second Winner Time = 9:55-9:00=55 minutes
First Winner Time=55-10=45minutes
Analytical Reasoning MCQs
All types of Analytical Reasoning MCQs have uploaded in this section. All Analytical Reasoning Questions are solved with detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Akram went to attend a meeting on Thursday. On reaching the place he came to know that he was 3 days earlier than the schedule day. If he had reached there on the coming Monday. How many days late he would have been?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 6
- a
Akram reached the place on Thursday earlier than the schedule.
Schedule day 3+Thursday=Sunday
He will be late 1 day.
Choose the pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the original pair of words. Spy : Clandestine :: _____
- Furrier : Rambunlicus
- Accountant : Meticulous
- Astronaut : Opulent
- Shepherd : Garrulocus
- b
ایک جاسوس خفیہ طریقے سے کام کرتا ہے۔ ایک اکاؤنٹنٹ محتاط انداز میں کام کرتا ہے۔
What comes next? Rule Command Dictate & Doze Sleep ____
- Hibernate
- Snore
- Govern
- Awaken
- a
Hibernate سست پڑے رہنا
At a game of billiards, A can give B 15 points in 60 and A can give C to 20 points in 60. How many points can B give C in a game of 90?
- 10
- 12
- 14
- 18
- a
Which month of Hindi Year is called Brother of March?
- Chate
- Basakh
- Magh
- None of these
- a
Which of the following fraction is greater than 3/5 and less than 5/7?
- 1/3
- 2/5
- 3/5
- 4/5
- d
11th of April falls two days after day after tomorrow that is Tuesday then on what day will the last day of month April occurs?
- Thursday
- Sunday
- Saturday
- Monday
- a
Mr. and Mrs. Akram have seven daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many people are there in the Akram Family?
- 05
- 10
- 15
- 20
- b
Parents =02 (Mother & Father)
(All daughters have one brother)
Total Children = 7+1=8
Total Family Members = 2+7+1=10
Hong Kong: China::Vatican:
- Rome
- Canada
- Mexico
- Christianity
- a
Hong Kong Administered Region
China Country
Vatican Administered Region
Rome Country