- 1947
- 1950
- 1952
- 1955
- a
Pakistan Forest Institute is located in Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan.
Assistant Director
All Assistant Director (AD) Current & Past Solved Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. Assistant Director (AD) Papers of all departments are solved with detailed answers.
Which Sahabi wrote the Treaty of Hudaibia?
- Ali (R.A)
- Umar (R.A)
- Usman (R.A)
- Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)
- a
Treaty of Hudaibia was signed in 6 Hijri.
Famous playback singer Lata Mangeskhar died in Mumbai at age of 92 on:
- February 6, 2022
- January 4, 2022
- Fenruary 5, 2022
- None of these
- a
The real name of Lata Mangeskhar was Hema Mangeskhar.
She was a singer and politician.
She was born on 28 February 1929 in Indore, India
She was a famous singer and Politician also.
She sang 25 thousand songs in different languages of the world.
She sang about 50,000 songs. Its world record.
Her name is mentioned in Guinness book of world record.
She is also known as Queen of Melody and Voice of the Millenniums.
She was awarded India’s biggest civil award “Bharat Ratna”.
Lata Mangeskhar was sister of Singer Asha Bhoslay.
She was died due to Corona Virus on 6 February 2002 in Mumbai.
Who was the founder of “Nawa-E-Waqt” Newspaper?
- Mian Muhammad Rasheed
- Mir Khalil Ur Rehman
- Majid Nizami
- Hameed Nizami
- d
Nawa-E-Waqt is also called “Voice of Time”.
It was established by Hameed Nizami on 23 March 1940.
It was Monthly Newspapers in start but turned to weekly Newspaper on 15 December 1942.
It started work as Daily Newspaper on 19 July 1944.
Waqt News TV Channel was also started by Nawa-E-Waqt.
This Newspaper supported the All India Muslim League to spread the message of AIML to all people of Hindustan.
This Newspaper is owned by Majid Nizami Trust.
The Auditor of this Newspaper is Rameeza Majid Nizami who is adopted daughter of Majid Nizami.
What gives the human brain its energy?
- Phosphorus
- Glucose
- Vitamin C
- Certain Proteins
- b
Pakistan State Bank started working on 1st July 1948 with the help of Rs:
- Thirty Million
- Fourteen Million
- Fifty Million
- Sixty Million
- a
State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated on 1st July 1948.
The first Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan was established in:
- Karachi
- Mianwali
- Lahore
- Islamabad
- a
There are total 05 Nuclear Power Plants are working in Pakistan.
There are working 14500 Nuclear Power Plants in the whole world (According to 2019 Report).
When IMF was established?
- 1940
- 1945
- 1950
- 1955
- b
IMF stands for InternationalMonetary Fund.
IMF was established on 27th December 1945.
Its HQ is in Washington D.C. USA
IMF consist of 189 countries.
Velocity of wind is measured by:
- Speedo Meter
- Audio Meter
- Anemometer
- None of these
- c
Anemometer was invented by Leon Batista Alberti in 1450.
When NAB was established?
- 17th October 1993
- 12th January 2000
- 16th November 1999
- None of these
- c
NAB stands for National Accountability Bureau.
NAB is an autonomous department and established by General Pervaiz Musharaf.
First Chairman of NAB was Lt.Gen Syed Muhammad Amjad.