- Mexico City
- London
- Dehli
- Tokyo
- c
Tokyo is the First populous city of the world
Current Affairs MCQs
All Current Affairs MCQs are included in this section of ETEST Website. All Current Affairs MCQs at National & International level are solved and available with short detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Name the DG Inter Services Public Relations is:
- Maj. Gen. Asif Ghafoor
- Maj. Gen. Babar Iftikhar
- Gen. Raheel Sharif
- Maj.Gen.Ahmed Sharif
- d
WHO stands for:
- World House Organization
- Water and Health Organization
- World Health Organization
- None of these
- c
ICAO stands for:
- International Civil Authority Organization
- Interim Civil Aviation Organization
- International Civil Aviation Organization
- International Culture Aviation Organization
- c
How many Judges in ICJ?
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- b
ICJ is composed o 15 Judges, who serve for 09 years term.
The Judges of ICJ are appointed by UNGA.
The ICJ handles the cases related to War, Crime, Illegal State Interference and other issues at National & International level.
Who is current Secretary General of UN?
- Antonio Guterres
- Bark Obama
- Joe Biden
- Donald Trump
- a
His number is 9th in UN Secretariat.
The UN Secretary General is elected by the UNGA for 05 years mandate.