- They say to us that they love us all.
- They said to us that they love us all.
- They said that they love us all.
- None of these
- a
وہ ہم سے کہتے ہیں کہ وہ ہم سب سے پیار کرتے ہیں
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Change the Direct Sentences to Indirect: He says, “ I live in Multan”
- He say that he live in Multan
- He says that he lives in Multan
- He said that he live in Multan
- None of these
- b
اس کا کہنا ہے کہ وہ ملتان میں رہتا ہے
What is Synonym of “Decorous”?
- Proper
- Childish
- Adorned
- Insane
- c
Decorous سجاوٹ
Adorned آراستہ
What is antonym of “Reclusive”?
- Hermit
- Noisy
- Scholarly
- Silent
- d
Reclusive قابل ذکر
Silent خاموش
What is antonym of word “Dilemma”?
- Approval
- Choice
- Acceptance
- Refusal
- b
Dilemma المیہ
Choice پسند
In which mosque was Ali (R.A) attacked by Ibn E Muljim?
- Masjid E Kufa
- Masjid E Nabvi
- Masjid E Aqsa
- None of these
- a
Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) was offering prayer in Masjid E Kufa then bn E Muljim (Kharji) martyred Ali (R.A).
The full name of Ibn E Muljim was “Abdul Rehman Ibn E Amar Ibn E Muljim”.
Ali (R.A) was martyred at the age of 63 Years.
It was 26 January 661AD
“Union Jack” is the name of the flag of which country?
- US
- UK
- Germany
- China
- b
Union Jack is also called Union Flag.
UK joints the 4 states / countries , therefore its flag is called Union Jack.
What is opposite of Indolent?
- Energetic
- Languid
- Inert
- Torpid
- a
Energetic توانائی بخش
Indolent بے چین
What is antonym of the word “Dull”?
- Dud
- Brilliant
- Dumb
- Lazy
- b
Dull سست
Brilliant شاندار
Choose the correct sentence from the following:
- She was used to get up early.
- She use to get up early.
- She used to got up early.
- She used to get up early.
- d
وہ جلدی سے اٹھتی تھی۔