- Work was finished by she.
- Work will finished by her.
- Work was finished by her.
- None of these
- d
کام اس کے ذریعہ ختم ہوا تھا۔
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Change the Active Voice to Passive Voice. “My Uncle will pay my tuition fee”.
- My tuition fee is paid by my uncle
- My tuition fee will pay by my uncle.
- My tuition fee will be paid by my uncle.
- None of these
- c
میری ٹیوشن فیس میرے ماموں ادا کریں گے۔
He writes ….ink.
- on
- for
- in
- with
- c
وہ سیاہی سے لکھتا ہے۔
What is antonym of “Delete”?
- Insert
- Impound
- Inspire
- Injure
- a
Delete حذف کریں
Insert داخل کریں
What is synonym of “Identify”?
- Recognize
- Envision
- Notice
- None of these
- a
Identify پہچاننا
Recognize پہچاننا
What is synonym of “Infinite”?
- Vague
- Indefine
- Strange
- Endless
- d
Infinite لامحدود
Endless لامتناہی
What is synonym of “Dear”?
- Close
- Due
- Costly
- Young
- C
Dear پیارے
Costly مہنگا
He was ashamed ….himself.
- of
- at
- from
- with
- a
اسے خود سے شرم آتی تھی۔
What is antonym of “Virtue”?
- Fraud
- Sin
- Wickedness
- Crime
- b
Virtue فضیلت/ نیکی
Sin گناہ
What is antonym of “Urban”?
- Country Made
- Pastoral
- Provincial
- Rural
- d
Urban شہر
Rural دیہات