- Fesh
- Fishes
- Fish
- Noun
- b
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
What is similar meaning of “Unity”?
- Native
- Harmony
- Belief
- Rules
- b
Unity اتحاد
Harmony ہم آہنگی
What is past form of given?
- give
- gaven
- given
- gave
- d
It’s high time she ….the work.
- does
- did
- do
- None of these
- b
Select the correct pair of words:
- Banding and Freedom
- Branding and Freedom
- Breech and Freedom
- None of these
- a
Select the correct Article to complete the sentence: “I was not interested …..this matter”
- In
- At
- On
- For
- a
مجھے اس معاملے میں کوئی دلچسپی نہیں تھی
Select the correct meaning of Idiom: “Fair and Square”
- Goog
- Careful
- Careless
- None of these
- b
Select the correct Indirect Speech: He said, “I am ill”
- He told that he is ill.
- He told that he was ill.
- He told that he has ill.
- None of these
- b
اس نے کہا ، "میں بیمار ہوں
اس نے بتایا کہ وہ بیمار ہے۔
Choose the correct phrasal verb: “Before …..for Multan, it is urgent”.
- Setting of
- Setting for
- Setting on
- Setting out
- a
ملتان کے لئے قیام سے پہلے ، یہ ضروری ہے
Choose the correct spelling word:
- Predecesser
- Predecessar
- Predecesor
- Predecessor
- d