- Cadaver
- Corpse
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
Dead Body مردہ جسم
Cadaver میت
Corpse لاش
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Choose the Word from the following options which is nearly Opposite in meaning to the given words: Relinquish:
- Assume
- Withdraw
- Attack
- None of these
- a
Relinquish دست بردار ہونا
Assume چارج لینا
Choose the Word from the following options which is nearly Opposite in meaning to the given words: Clarity:
- Confusion
- Exaggeration
- Simplicity
- Reserve
- a
Clarity وضاحت
Confusion الجھاؤ
Choose the Word from the following options which is nearly Opposite in meaning to the given words: Obscure:
- Explicit
- Academic
- Implicit
- Ugly
- a
Obscure غیر واضح
Explicit واضح
Choose the Word from the following options which is nearly similar in meaning to the given words:Pledge:
- Promise
- Playful
- Rough
- Plain
- a
Pledge عہد کرنا
Promise عہد کرنا
Choose the Word from the following options which is nearly similar in meaning to the given words: Fanatical :
- Rebellious
- Moderate
- Eager
- Obsessive
- d
Fanatical جنونی
Obsessive جنونی
Choose the Word from the following options which is nearly similar in meaning to the given words: Adhere:
- Give Up
- Stick
- Appear
- All of the above
- b
Adhere عمل کریں
Stick چھڑی
Find the Pair of Words from the options that express a similar relationship as in the given pair of words. Graceful : Movement
- Humorous : Laughter
- Docile : Rebellious
- Clean : Dirt
- Articulate : Speech
- a
Find the Pair of Words from the options that express a similar relationship as in the given pair of words. Rehearsal : Performance
- Entrapment : Game
- Engagement : Marriage
- Applause : Audience
- Antidote : Illness
- b
Find the Pair of Words from the options that express a similar relationship as in the given pair of words. Condemnation : Disapproval
- Sorrow : Intention
- Ignorance : Patience
- Optimism : Insight
- Blasphemy : Irreverence
- d
Condemnation مذمت
Disapproval نامنظور کرنا