- Has been
- Was
- Would be
- Is
- a
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English MCQs
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Catastrophe means:
- Problems
- Disaster
- Huge
- Pressure
- b
Catastrophe تباہی
Disaster مصیبت
Will you wait ….I return?
- On
- After
- If
- Till
- d
کیا آپ میرے واپس آنے تک انتظار کریں گے؟
The man is poor ….honest.
- And
- If
- Or
- But
- d
آدمی غریب لیکن ایماندار ہے۔
Do you see……blue sky?
- Of
- An
- The
- A
- c
کیا آپ کو نیلے آسمان نظر آتے ہیں؟
Identify the correct spelling:
- Occurred
- Ocured
- Ocurred
- None of these
- a
Occurred واقع ہوا
Beautiful is a:
- Adjective
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Verb
- a
Any word that is consist of quality of any person, thing or place is called Adjective.
An “Above Board” person means:
- Wise
- Cruel
- Dishonest
- Trustworthy
- d
Above Board term is also used for Honest, Fair, Strait and Etc.
Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?
- Nursary
- Electricity
- Library
- None of these
- a
The correct word is “Nursery”.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever is a famous verse by:
- Wordsworth
- Keats
- Byron
- Shelly
- b
A thing of beautiful Joy is a poem of Jhon Keats.
Jhon Keats was a Romentic English Poet.