- Rains
- Reigns
- Reins
- Ranes
- c
گھوڑے والے نے گھوڑے کی لگام کھینچ لی۔
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
She felt …..when went to stage.
- Worried
- Anxious
- Agitated
- Nervous
- d
جب وہ اسٹیج پر گیا تو اسے گھبراہٹ کا احساس ہوا۔
Capital Punishment means:
- Death Sentence
- Confiscation of Property
- Life Imprisonment
- Huge Fine
- a
Capital Punishment is also called Death Penalty.
Synonym of “Cheeky” is:
- Impressive
- Impassable
- Impudent
- Impure
- c
Cheeky گستاخ
Impudent بے غیرت
“School” is a group of:
- Penguins
- Fish
- Seagulls
- Crocodiles
- b
School / Shoal is a group of fish that swims together in a synchronized manner for protection.
CV or Curriculum Vitae is very often used. From which language is the term Curriculum Vitae derived?
- Latin
- Greek
- German
- French
- a
What is the synonym of Rebate?
- Cheap
- Inflation
- Expensive
- Discount
- d
Rebate چھوٹ
Discount چھوٹ
“De Jure” means
- By the Way
- By Itself
- By Law
- By Right
- c
کے درست مطلب کا انتخاب کریں۔ Charity begins at home
- ہر کام گھر سے شروع کیا جاتا ہے
- اول خویش بعد درویش
- پہلے اپنے گھر کو درست کریں
- خود غرضی کی کوئی حد نہیں ہوتی
- b
What is Jobbery?
- Conduct a public business for private gain
- Robbery performed by previous employees
- Looking for a job
- Flattery of Superiors
- a