- Graham Bell
- Thomas Adison
- Hogo Chaves
- Isaac Newton
- d
Isaac Newton was English Scientist.
Law of Gravitation was discovered by Isaac Newton in 1687 and published first time on 5th July 1687.
Everyday Science MCQs
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The second smallest planet of our solar system is _____
- Uranus
- Mars
- Neptune
- Mercury
- b
There are Eight planets in our Solar System which are Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter.
The smallest planet in our Solar System is Mercury.
The biggest planet in our solar system is Jupiter.
Rocks that contain fossils are ____
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Monzonite Rocks
- Carnelan Rocks
- None of these
- a
Sedimentary Rocks are also called Stratified Rocks.
The examples of Sedimentary Rocks are Sandstone, Limestone and etc.
Study of life outer space is known as:
- Enter biology
- Exobiology
- Endo biology
- None of these
- b
Exobiology was introduced by “Joshua Laderberg”.
Lack of Vitamin D can cause _____
- Bone Problems
- Muscle spasm
- Kidney Mastoor
- None of these
- a
Lack of Vitamin A causes Night Blindness.
Lack of Vitamin B causes Beriberi or Anaemia.
Lack of Vitamin C causes Scurvy.
Lack of Vitamin E causes Impaired Reflexes.
اگر کسی شخص کی عمر 100 سال ہے تو اُسے کیاکہا جائے گا؟
- سینٹی نیرین
- کوئنکا جینیرین
- سیکسا جینیرین
- نونا جینیرین
- a
اگر کسی شخص کی عمر 50 سال ہے تو اُسے کوئنکا جینیرین کہا جائے گا۔اگر کسی شخص کی عمر 60 سال ہے تو اُسے سیکساجینیرین کہا جائے گا۔اگر کسی شخص کی عمر 70 سال ہے تو اُسے سیپٹاجینیرین کہا جائے گا۔اگر کسی شخص کی عمر 80 سال ہے تو اُسے اوکٹا جینیرین کہا جائے گا۔اگر کسی شخص کی عمر 90 سال ہے تو اُسے نونا جینیرین کہا جائے گا۔اگر کسی شخص کی عمر 100 سال ہے تو اُسے سینٹی نیرین کہا جائے گا۔
Who invented Tractor?
- John Forelich
- Dialmer
- Baron Karl
- None of these
- a
John Forelich invented Tractor in 1892.
He was an American.
Bicycle was invented by Baron Karl Von Drais in 1817.
A reaction in which heat energy is absorbed to the system is called:
- Exothermic Reaction
- Endothermic Reaction
- Elimination Reaction
- Thermite Reaction
- b
A reaction in which heat energy is released is called Exothermic Reaction.
The removal or leaving of atom or group of atoms of molecule is called Elimination Reaction.
A chemical process which changes vegetable oil into fat is called:
- Combustion
- Hydrogenation
- Hydration
- Neutralization
- b
Hydrogenation process converts vegetable oil into solid or semi solid fats at a very high temperature.
In acids, blue litmus paper turns into:
- Yellow
- Red
- Green
- Orange
- b
If blue litmus paper placed in base, It will remain same.
If Red litmus paper placed in base, it will changed to Blue.